Lest we not forget, a major act of injustice still hasn't been spoken on by theses politicians who claim to wanna make a change. I'm pro-Obama but I need to see him STAND UP in this situation. I've heard a lot of songs for Sean Bell in the past few weeks but this one really spoke to me, I think it really touched the issue.To listen click the link @ the bottom of this post. Take in the Cassidy and Talib's verses on this.....it's the TRUTH
R.I.P. Sean Bell
To the Bell family and to all other families out there going through the struggle of having their loved one's life taken by the hands of those that supposedly "serve and protect", Hold Ya Heads
cassidyswizz beatsdrag-onmainostyles p talib kweli-stand up sean bell tribute xclusiveszone.blogspo
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